Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Blog 45: CCR

Thursday, February 13, 2025
Blog 44: Final Project Post
Film Opening
Hey guys!!! Last Welcome Back :(((( . I am more than happy to release our final product today. I hope you enjoyed it <3
First off, I want to thanks everyone for joining me today. Apparently, this is going to be my last blog. Through the filming journey, I learned a lot. I learned how to professionally plan out and prepare for better filming's journey. I am glad for getting expose to more materials such as mise-en scene, storyboarding, and mood-board. I valued these knowledge than ever. If you asked me have I knew about these before? My answer will be no. Before Aice Media Studies, I would simply add everyone into a group, create a script and call it a day. We would just mostly use static camera movement or follow up to capture the whole thing.
However, after Aice Media Studies? After 44 blogs? I am confident than ever to brag about myself, knowing that I can brainstorm and film in the right way. Crossing out the other ideas, we came off strong with the "Coming of Age" genre and a negative plot twist theme for the "film opening" project. With some ideas in mind, we made our way through the mood board, some birthday cake, some make-ups, some up/down emotions. As we keep the ideas in mind, we create a simple script and further turned it into storyboarding. The storyboard is our star right here. Every scene, every cut, every transition, lighting or even angle/camera movement was describe in each scene. It allows us to track down as we record. With some filming amend and magic touches, we wrapped the project up. Below is my first born of the professional filming journey.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Blog 43: The Aftermath Part 2

Blog 42: The Aftermath
Another plot twist? The storyline could connect the scene where Gigi blow off the candle, it turns into smoky title "Eighteenth" and bring us back to the day where she' still a baby. A baby still confusing and exploring what's going on her own birthday. As the audience might not know, within the film opening, Gigi was celebrating alone due to the absent of her dad. We might question, where is the mom? The truth is her mom already passed away. That's the answer for Gigi's black family picture. Her mom was never mentioned in the film opening. The flashback will take place on a rainy day, we will utilize the crane camera movement to take a bigger picture of Gigi's house—a lovely one. The camera will move closer to her window and the rain gradually slow down. Through the window, the baby Gigi is sleeping on her own little princess bed. The scene will shift from the outside of the window into a close up of Gigi's mom gently twisting the door knob.
Blog 41: Teammate's reaction

Blog 40: Editing Day 3 (Final)
Blog 39: Reflection on Project

Blog 38: Camera Movement
Camera Movement
Hey bestie!!! Welcome back to my blog. I have been doing blogs about camera shot/angle, sounds, colors,... Therefore, today will be camera movement turn. Camera movement is an extremely important fragment in filming. It creates a sense of professionalism through the diverse use techniques in camera movement.
In this project, we opened up the scene with a zoom in on the calendar, indicating Gigi's birthday. To create a continuous scene as Gigi comes in, the camera zoom out and pan to Gigi and follow as she sit down. For most of the coming up scenes we utilize static filming to create a steady shot. Therefore, the audience will have a deeper grasp of the current plots. Since the upcoming scenes are title sequences, most our shot is a quick cut between motion in each scene. Most of the focus will be on the credit. Introducing each name requires less camera movement and center mostly on editing techniques like zoom in and tracking.
As the film progress over the main plot, the audience is already overwhelmed and eager to see what's coming up. Addition to Gigi's dad absent, we wanted to employ a dolly out camera movement to emphasizes the loneliness atmosphere. Accommodate to Gigi's blanking out, the static shot is back in. She continues to show off her distress and exit the room. In order to track Gigi's movement, we take advantage of the pan right/left movement to indicate a continuous scene as she walks down the stair. To develop a dynamic filming techniques, instead of repeatedly use of static movements and elliptical editing. We track Gigi's course through the use of steadicam, which allow us to move freely with a stabilizer and smoother footage.
Blog 37: Editing Day 3
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Blog 36: Wishlist
Blog 35: Specific Camera Shots/Angles
To enhance the action in progress, we also employed close-up shot to get the closest distance as possible for the title sequencing. However, we still had to use some editing methods to get a better close up and zoom in to capture the greatest distance for our text on image effect. One of my favorite camera shot was the full shot employed with the dolly out-zoom in camera movement. This combination not only eyes-catching but also give a sense of loneliness. We intentionally recorded Gigi with full shot so we can demonstrate the down-mood surrounding with lower saturation. In term of angles wise, most of our framing was eyes-level, some with high/low angle. For instance, when Gigi was walking down stair, the camera man was all set at on the second floor with the camera facing down to create a high angle framing. Kudos to our team, high-angle was a great choice here as Gigi was walking down with despair. The angle made Gigi looked smaller and trapped the mood in her.