The Aftermath
Hey reader!!! Welcome back to "The Aftermath Part 2". I know you're mad at me for cutting off at a new plot. But... there's part 2 right? I just had to make you come back, that's the technique every filming does. Let's dive into it!!!
A smokey burnt smell strike into their nose... Gigi and her mom was not happy!!!! As they enter the kitchen, Gigi's dad is already covered in smoke with confusion. He burnt the pancakes... In dis-believed, they bursted into laughing. Gigi's mom took over the pancakes instead, her dad had to gave up in embarrass. To create a enjoyable dynamic, we will utilize the elliptical editing by showing short scenes of Gigi's mom flipping the pancake, put it onto plates, top it off with some whip cream and syrup. Gigi is set in place, laughing with her dad while holding the fork and ready to devour the fluffy pancakes.
Meanwhile, she doesn't know her cousins and relatives are sneaking into their house. They're ready to blow the house up with gifts and confetti popper. The camera now statically set in front of Gigi as she's picking of each piece of her pancakes. From behind, BOOM!!! The confetti popper went off as Gigi's looking back in an unmindful state. She jumped off and screamed. The camera once again goes from a close up on Gigi's excitement face expression to a higher angle. An angle that captures everything in the room, her mom and dad by her sides; her cousins and relatives on the opposite sides. The scene then shift in to the moment Gigi blows off her candle and flash-forwards to the current. I would use a eye-line match here and behinds her will be a surprise from Gigi's dad and cousin. This will finalize with a happy ending and step her way up in becoming adult.
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