Heyyyy boys and girls!!! Welcome back to my blog. I have been tapping so so much about our filming process and editing. But I had never talk about the flaw aspect of it.
If you ask me, if I'm happy with the final product. I would say yes. But if you ask me on a deeper level, I would say there's more to it. Personally, I feel like we could've done a more fantastic job, if our team communicates and construct the storyline better. Originally, we wanted to add scenes where Gigi held her mom's picture and cry. The main focus was to indicates that her mom passed away and her dad is all she has. However, due to the time limit, we couldn't portrait as much as we intended to. Without this scene, it will create a missing fragment, which allows the viewer to guess for the future plots. Not only, we can utilize this small piece of information and construct it into a further storyline after the film opening.
If I can go back in time, I would definitely push our filming date to earlier. By filming earlier, it gives us more time to reflect and point out the details or improvement scene. I felt like we weren't rush through the project but simply we didn't know where to began with. As a cameraman, filming with Iphone was the most convenient idea. Yet if we were to borrow a camera, there would've been no doubt about the quality. However, the downside of it will be exporting into computer and Ipad as we edit. Overall, I did not regret any of these experience. These filming journey had taught me a lots. Through this project, I learned to properly organize in future filming project, either for educational or storytelling purpose.
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