Monday, February 10, 2025

Blog 41: Teammate's reaction


Teammate's reaction
    Hey guys! It's me again. As you already know, I am the editor! I've been through ups and downs in editing to get everything together. I put in efforts to bring out the best version and final product for my beloved viewers. One of the first people that get to see it was my teammates. Their reaction were priceless!!!!
Accompany with me through editing was Mimeo, she was the very first to sit down and review the clip with me. As we review the project for the first time, there was some flop images due to the upload/download from the clouds. We were disappointed but also tried to optimistic at the same times. We decided to insert the original version of the scene and manually create the zoom in and out effect on Ipad. Since Ipad was easier to work with some final touches, we weren't experiencing as much troubles. As an editor, we were proud of our products. I know. It might be bias but editing pulled everything together. Through the efforts of editing, we were able to bring the best quality and experience to out audience. 
    To get a broader objective on the final product, we sent the export version into our group chat. Our heartbeat went up, down, up, down. We watched the typing pop-up from our teammates and trembling. We prayed, prayed that they like it. As for the final result, they did like it!!! However, some priceless comment they made on the film was about the sounds. On the second half of the film, we indeed added a dramatic song do emphasize the heavy atmosphere of the situation. Our teammates did not aware of this, they definitely got caught off guard. Surprisingly, the dramatic song can leads the viewer into two state of emotion: either sadness or amusement because of how over dramatically it was. Overall, we have been receiving positive feedbacks from our teammates. I hope you will also share your valuable feedbacks on the final release!

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